Welcome to East Glendalough School
2024-2025 calendar – click here
Upcoming events:
4-14 February – Mock examinations (3rd and 6th Year); some Practical/Orals will take place before this
10-14 February – TY Community Service Week
13 February – 1st Year parents’ information evening (current 1st Years)
14 February – School closes 4.00pm (mid-term)
26 February – TY Information evening (current 3rd Years and parents)
6 March – Introductory evening for incoming 1st Years
11 March – Parent-Teacher Meetings 5th Year (School closes 3.45pm)
17 March – School closed: St Patrick’s holiday
18 March – School Photographs
20 March – Parent-Teacher Meetings 1st Year (School closes 3.45pm)
Support request – student form
School Self-Evaluation – School Improvement Plan 2023 – here
Link to EGS Guidance website – here
Mental Health
- Resilience – click here for some tips from our Seniors
- Mental health – click here for resources on conversations at home
- Check out this new parents’ advice guide about alcohol and young people from the HSE: http://www.askaboutalcohol.ie/parents/
- Promoting Positive Mental Health
East Glendalough School is a co-educational post-primary Comprehensive school, offering a broad Christian education through a wide curriculum of subjects approved by the Department of Education, together with sports and extra-curricular activities.
It was established in 1987 to serve the Protestant community of an area approximating to the eastern half of the diocese of Glendalough. The aim of the school is to encourage each pupil to develop to his or her full potential, to mature as an individual and to become a constructive and caring member of society. The school is small enough to allow for the personal and individual attention which allows pupils to develop in a secure and caring environment, while it is large enough to offer a very wide range of academic, sporting and extra-curricular activities.

East Glendalough School is a Church of Ireland managed co-educational Comprehensive day school under the patronage of the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin and Bishop of Glendalough.
The school was established to serve the Protestant community of an area approximating to the eastern half of the diocese of Glendalough.
East Glendalough School seeks to provide a broad Christian education and to develop spiritual and moral values, personal and social skills and the highest standards of excellence in all areas of school activity.
At all times, emphasis is placed on politeness, courtesy, co-operation and respect for others and their property.
EGS Photo Gallery
We have so much happening all the time at EGS and we love to share some of the photos of school life and activities. You can sample just some of our photos in our mini-gallery to the left or click on the button below to see our full Photo Gallery.
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